What is the difference between Company and Corporate in Ownership Type?

What is the difference between Company and Corporate in Ownership Type?

Our data source is the Land Registry, and according to this entity Corporate Owned Properties and Company Owned Properties often refer to slightly different classifications:

Corporate Owned Properties

This term generally encompasses any property owned by a corporate entity, including all types of registered businesses, trusts, and institutions. These entities can include:

• Private companies

• Public companies

• Charities

• Foundations

• Non-profit organisations

• International corporations

In other words, “corporate” ownership is broader and can refer to ownership by any legally recognised entity that is not an individual or partnership.

Company Owned Properties

This term is more specific and refers to properties owned by companies registered as businesses in the UK or internationally. These companies are typically defined as legal entities created to conduct commercial activities. Examples include:

• Limited companies (Ltd)

• Public limited companies (PLCs)

• Limited liability partnerships (LLPs)

The main distinction is that company owned properties usually belong to businesses engaging in trade or commerce, while corporate owned properties can belong to a broader range of non-individual owners, including non-commercial entities like charities or trusts.

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